What is the Bible? Book Study

Have you ever wondered why God seems so crabby in the Old Testament and loving in the New? Or why it seems we pick and choose what to believe in the Bible? Or How the Bible is different from other ancient stories?

Watch a promo for the book, “What is the Bible? How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything”

Rob Bell does a great job of taking some of the     mystery out of the Bible, and you are invited to join   us in reading this book and having some conversations about what we read. Here’s all you do:

              *order the book online …available in paperback, Kindle, Audible

              *Join us for a 45 minute weekly ZOOM  conversation about various chapters

                           WEDNESDAYS AT 11:15AM


ZOOM links and chapters to be discussed will be  weekly posted on Facebook and our Website. It all begins on Wed., June 10 and Sun., June 14 with a conversation about the intro.  and chapter 1. Please give us a call if you need help ordering a book.